... 7805 ( b ) IN THE CASE OF RULINGS AND DETERMINATION LETTERS .01 Pursuant to section 7805 ( b ) of the Code , it is within the discretion of the Commissioner or the Commis- sioner's delegate to prescribe the ex- tent , if any , to which ...
... 7805 ( b ) . The employer's contributions will not be deductible as contributions to a qualified plan . However , section 7805 ( b ) relief will be applied to the trust and all employees except to the extent described in the next two ...
... 7805 ( b ) relief , the taxpayer's administrative remedies will not be considered exhausted until the Service has had a reasonable time to act upon the request . ( 2 ) Taxpayer may request a conference on application of § 7805 ( b ) . A ...
... 7805 ( a ) . 16. Page 57 , Lines 14 & 17 , Sec . 101 , § 6033 ( a ) ( 1 ) of the Code May be deleted . Covered by § 6001 and § 7805 ( a ) . 17. Page 57 , Line 24 , Sec . 101 , § 6033 ( a ) ( 2 ) of the Code This would appear to be an ...
... 7805 Dam , Cooper's 28 , 9245 Bdr . and own . , W. H. Miner MINER'S 977 15491 Ewe , Mar. 24 , '12 , Twin em 977 Sire , Tranquillity 1681 , 7805 Dam , Miner's 381 , 9897 Bdr . and own . , W. H. Miner MINER'S 891 Ewe , Mar. 12 , 1912 ...
... 7805. ss . 10 . WEINBERGER ( M. ) Nürnberger Malerei an der Wende zur Renaissance , und die Anfänge der Dürerschule . pp . 255 . Strassburg , 1921 . [ Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte . Heft 217. ] 7805. ss . 13 . GLUECK ( G ...