Nature Climate Change is dedicated to publishing the most significant research across the physical and social sciences on the impacts of global climate ...
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Oct 11, 2021 · Increasing evidence suggests that climate change impacts are already observed around the world. Global environmental assessments face ...
... climate change adaptation, especially those associated with long-lived infrastructure. Here we show that through progress in climate policy and climate ...
Climate change refers to a statistically defined change in the average and/or variability of the climate system, this includes the atmosphere, the water cycle, ...
Aug 8, 2022 · Nature 438, 310–317 (2005). Article CAS Google Scholar. Smith, K. et al. in Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (eds ...
A monthly journal dedicated to publishing the most significant and cutting-edge research on the nature, underlying causes or impacts of global climate change ...
We will help 100 million people at severe risk of climate-related emergencies by protecting and restoring the health of natural habitats.