Can you say more why? I only can see that the car performs the controlled deformation in parameters. Try to find other crash test for other cars and you ...
In final, anuntau ca urmatoarea emisiune va contine un test comparativ Golf V - Dacia Logan. Daca stiti cand urmeaza sa fie difuzata, spuneti si aici... Ca fapt ...
Jun 20, 2009 · I know it seems weird, but that is the sound I can hear when the engine is on, the car has stopped and the clutch is free.
Si daca e asa cum spui, atunci am facut toti o alegere buna. Ca am ales golan ca masina personala, in sensul asta. Dar poate ne spui, chiar daca e offtopic, ...
Jan 22, 2010 · Even the air condition is better (more efficient) on logan. I recommend a drive test with the cars because you are the one who will drive, you ...
Feb 24, 2011 · Hai sa facem o comparatie intre Duster si alte masini testate dupa acelasi algoritm, dar sa nu luam in calcul decat rezultatele de la CRASH TEST ...
Feb 23, 2005 · ca sa nu va mai certati: Logan nu are pe lateral nici bare si nici tevi ci profile metalice cu sectiunea omega! puteti vedea asta in poze: http ...
Jan 20, 2023 · Hello neighbors, I am from Bulgaria and get one damaged Dacia Spring for restoration project. I will write prices of parts and all with ...
Jul 9, 2010 · Crashtest si Dacia Duster ; Work smart not hard! Group: Members Posts: 4.781. Joined: 11 February 04. Cred ca ia cam 4 stele maxim 4,6. Maxim am ...